the feminine
Leah specializes in working privately with women who have had sexual trauma, those in recovery from a divorce/breakup, & women who are earnest in their growth & healing. By working with Leah women not only experience the validation & emotional holding they have so longed for from a sister but also the map to their sexual awakening that will guide them into their own pleasure body. The liberation that finally comes for a women when she understands how her own erectile network works & how orgasmic energy flows up different pathways to her brain will assist her in unblocking the highways that carry her orgasms. When she can feel the power of her breath working in conjunction with various pelvic movements & the dazzling discovery of her own sounds she will become unstoppable. It's my endeavor to illuminate the depth, power, spirit, & trustworthiness of the awakened feminine.
the masculine
Leah has dedicated her career to teaching men how the ancient Tantric teachings of male sexual mastery is relevant to the modern man. Whether that's overcoming trauma, premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, low self esteem, or porn addiction, she will show you practical skills that will bring long lasting results with the utmost sensitivity & care. Your progress will be in direct proportion to your willingness to be vulnerable & authentic. You will be delighted to discover that multi, full body, non-ejaculatory orgasms are not only possible but inevitable through consistent Tantric practice & how profoundly that begins to impact your life. This blend of ancient and modern practices promises to bring you potency, creativity, and higher consciousness if you integrate it inside & outside of the bedroom. Leah passionately works with serious students only.
This life transforming event can be condensed into a weekend getaway for those with a limited schedule. Or it can be spread out over a luscious week of rest & vacation. Each day will include coaching, private sessions, & spa treatments when available.
Click Here for a list of class curriculum subjects.
These intensives generate so much incredible growth that they become an "inflection point" in your life, an experience that when you look back, you realize just how much it changed your life. You will wonder why you didn't do it sooner. You will have wished you had received this education when you were a teenager starting out on the path of love.
Retreat destinations vary depending on your schedule, budget, and convenience. Traveling somewhere exotic, coming to northern California where Leah lives, or bringing her to your hometown are all options. Regardless, don't waste another year wishing you had invested in learning the skills to be a master lover and an awesome partner!
2 Day:
Individual - $3500
Couples - $4000
+ expenses
4 Day Weekend:
Individual - $6000
Couples - $7500
+ expenses
Full Week:
Individual - $10,000
Couples - $12,000
+ expenses

VIP Private Retreats
VIP Private Retreats are the Ultimate Immersion for those who don't want to attend a public event and value the undivided attention from an expert in their field.
Leah reconfigures content from her workshops taught to over 2000 couples & singles each year to custom design the perfect retreat based on your specific interests.
You are welcome to attend by yourself or as a couple.
This program is perfect for those who:
...have always been curious about Tantra but can't imagine taking a seminar with other people...
...have reached a high level of success in business & are ready to reach the same level of success in love...
...are struggling with painful sexual issues that are best dealt with privately with a highly qualified & experienced expert....
...are in a marriage that is hurting & it's time to do drastic repair before it's too late...
...crave an exotic vacation leaving all the stress at home & finally taking the time to exquisitely care for themselves (& the beloved). It's the perfect reboot for any couple or single person who is over stretched by life...